Hi All....i nak try2 speaking again today..hehe..don laugh2 to me okey...
what should i buat tommorow and the next 3 week sambil nak wait2 my final exam paper
on 9 mei...waaa..so late to me..my paper kena the last week for exam..haiya...
dah la i just have only 1 paper this sem..and my study week macam 3 week for me..
don jeles2 okey..that is so late...huhu..
kalau boleh i want the first week and the first paper then can holiday so long until graduation day..
oh nooo...keja2..aisehh..need to think about keja again...please2 help me how to find a job..
but for tommorow i will holiday first and masuk hutan help my parent
ambil padi..hehe...after this my skin will burn for long time..adushhh...
but never mind..i don care about black skin anymore...huhu.yeke??so liar person...
k k..u all understand what i mean? oh i don care u all faham or not..hehe..
just for play2 this entry and after this don no when i can update it again..
see u all next time..hehe...
Layan jela pic2 i kat below ni..hehe.
macam nak g ofice da...
dapur kayu lagi...biasala kebun dalam hutan kan..but aku suke giler masak kat kebun..selera makn tinggi giler..series x tipu..hehe
saje2...tuk hempas padi...
Pengetam padi and tangkin...tuk isi padi...
tomorrow will bertapa di hutan...
p/s:: sape nk join..jom!!
what should i buat tommorow and the next 3 week sambil nak wait2 my final exam paper
on 9 mei...waaa..so late to me..my paper kena the last week for exam..haiya...
dah la i just have only 1 paper this sem..and my study week macam 3 week for me..
don jeles2 okey..that is so late...huhu..
kalau boleh i want the first week and the first paper then can holiday so long until graduation day..
oh nooo...keja2..aisehh..need to think about keja again...please2 help me how to find a job..
but for tommorow i will holiday first and masuk hutan help my parent
ambil padi..hehe...after this my skin will burn for long time..adushhh...
but never mind..i don care about black skin anymore...huhu.yeke??so liar person...
k k..u all understand what i mean? oh i don care u all faham or not..hehe..
just for play2 this entry and after this don no when i can update it again..
see u all next time..hehe...
Layan jela pic2 i kat below ni..hehe.
tomorrow will bertapa di hutan...
p/s:: sape nk join..jom!!
wahhh..bestnyeeee...dieylahhh,kmk mok ikottt!!!
akak petani :D
wahhhh cm bez la dielahhh..beznye klu dpt ikot
Eyka Hanafi ::
Dah habis tuai padi dah..ngee~~dah leh makan beras baru... ^^
M.H.M.Z ::
petani berjaya..hahahaaha
cempakasilver ::
hehehe....selera besar kat hutan..keliling hutan...best2..hehe
best nyerrrrrr...mkn pd fresh2 owh.sonokkk!!jeles sma anda!!huhu
Eyka Hanafi ::
erghhhh!! kenyangggg..hahhahaha... =DD
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